Студија За Јавни Набавки


Multikultura Analysis, ALB

Multikultura Analysis, MK

The Annual Report, Multikultura 2017


Thirrje per Trajnim per Trajnues- Multikultura

Published: 2017-02-14

Ne kuader te bashkepunimit me NCBI (National Coalition Building Institute) - organizate nderkombetare me zyre kryesore ne SHBA, Multikultura ka kenaqesine te lajmeroje Trajnimin per Trajnues me teme: "Permes mirekuptimit ne tejkalim te paragjykimeve".

Thirrja eshte e hapur per te gjithe te interesuarit qe duan te mesojne se ne cilen menyre munden me lehte ti tejkalojne paragjykimet mbi ceshtje te ndryshme.

Trajnimi do te mbahet ne periudhen prej 10-12.03.2017, ne hapesirat e partnerit tone Pointed Consulting (ne qender te Tetoves) dhe do te udhehiqet nga trajnere te licencuar dhe me pervoje te gjate, nga Zvicra.

Metodat e punes jane pjese e programit te NCBI Uashington.

Pas mbarimit te trajnimit te gjithe pjesemarresit do te marrin certifikate per trajnere.

Te interesuarit, duhet te dergojne CV-te e tyre dhe aplikimin e plotesuar ne e-mail adresen info@multikultura.org.mk, me se voni deri me 28.02.2017.

Vetem kandidatet e perzgjedhur do te kontaktohen!

Aplikimin per pjesemarrje mund ta gjeni ne bashkelidhje. https://goo.gl/forms/8R5yv0aaFpRoBXA52


How much do the local civic organizations open their doors for the youth?

Published: 2017-02-08

Globalization, social media and modern lifestyle has increased the activity of youth all over the world, including the places less developed and the underdeveloped societies. The youth is proceeding with fast steps, but the older generations haven't much moved. This is common for Macedonia too, specifically Tetovo, a city with two Universities is having an increased development in this aspect. A big influence in this incitement, are the non-governmental organizations because one way or another they help youth while engaging them in activities help them socialize and overcome difficulties. Often, the activities of the organizations are with multi-ethnic background, which is a very favorable thing considering the structure of our society, and so our youth wouldn't grow up and be prejudicial and stereotypical in the contest of ethnicity, religion, race, gender etc.

What is the relation between the youth and the local organizations in Tetovo? How does the youth get to the information about the activities going on and how can they get included in these organizations? Is there a selection method? Based on what?

Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, are very trendy and super used by young population for fun and of course, a much easier way to communicate and promote every kind of activity no matter if it is an individual or a collective.

Tetovo has a considerable number of organizations starting from the ones dedicated to woman rights, art, sport, culture, science, and politics and of course including also the minority groups such as LGBT (gay, lesbians, bisexual, and transsexual).

How many opportunities do these organizations give to the youth considering their interests? We will mention some of the most active organizations in years, they are being mentioned all over the media because of the interest they show in promoting the organizations activities. Marketing is the best form for the youth to get information on the topics they are interested in. The statistics have shown that in the last decade the interest for organizations has increased and there has been a lot of new organizations created. Being more in number means there is competition in between, this way the number of activities has increased too in order to attract more youth, organizing more training, competitions, seminars, concerts etc.

But things don't always go as planned or as they are shown in public. How the funds for the activities are granted and managed, why are some group of participants neglected (children with special needs, separation on ethnic, religion bases). It's a huge contradiction but not every organization does that.

Multikultura, organization that is functional for 17 years and it's an excellent example for those who are planning to establish this kind of organization. No matter the difficulties they had, says the Program Director Arlinda Ilazi, they always managed to keep going forward, "The interest of the youth motives us even more to work harder, to organize events, activities on different subjects".

What is the uniqueness of this organization? She says: "Maybe we are one of the few organizations that give a big importance to all nationalities in the country; our activities are always held in more languages in order to create a multiethnic and multicultural social circle for the youth. This is the key of our success".

Multikultura qualifies as one of the most active organizations in Macedonia. Their mission is to create a peaceful and harmonic society, and that's the aim of their projects organized, and they always end up being successful.

Another organization is the Roma development organization "SONCE" and they also state that the relation between them and the participants is super. The program manager Merita Mustafi claims that they organize a huge amount of activities and the number of volunteers included in the activities is around 50, all equipped with membership cards.

The Institute for Development of the Community is one of the institutions that take care of the youth, their development, and their advancement in public life. Through the seminars and trainings organized, they help the youth to gain information and knowledge, even though it is not very mentioned in the opinion for different reasons. The director of this institute Sreten Koceski says that IDC pays a lot of attention to the progress of youth and that the relation between the youth and the institute is great.

In Tetovo and generally in the Polog region, there are lot of organizations that have targeted the youth, but also youngsters have their eyes oriented towards the organizations and their activities. Self-awareness is increasing, while we do the comparison on how do trainings and seminars work in the European countries, America, Australia, etc. where the participants should pay enrollment fees, sometimes even high amounts of money, in the Balkan countries, exclusively in Macedonia, these opportunities are offered for free.

Some years ago, ECMI was a network of civil societies in Macedonia; it was an opportunity of cooperation between all organizations that had the interest in become part of this network, who aimed building strategies for getting funds and implementing different projects. We shall see if this kind of networks will get re-activated again because there is an obvious need and the spirit of cooperation of organizations with one-another it's still an actual thing.


Published: 2016-12-23


The Social Inclusion Trainings, Last Module

Published: 2016-12-03

On 01 and 02 December 2016, within the project Entrepreneurship Platform for Economic and Social Inclusion of women from minority groups, Multikultura organized the last module of the Social Inclusion Trainings.

The training's purpose was to teach unemployed women between 18-55 years old how to write a CV, how to write a motivational letter, what's a SWOT analyze and how to perform a personal SWOT analysis, how to prepare for a successful job interview, how to make a plan for personal and professional development, how to define our purposes with SMART method, as well as how to reach enhance communication and presentation capacity.

On the last module of The Social Inclusion Trainings participated 25 unemployed women from the Polog region.

The training is supported by the European Union.


Certificate of appreciation to Multikultura by the Day Care Center of Tetovo

Published: 2016-12-02

On 2nd of December 2016 on the behalf of the International Day of People with Disabilities Multikultura was graduated with certificate of appreciation by The Day Care Center of Tetovo, as a sign of great collaboration over the years.

Robert M. Hensel said: "There is no greater disability in society, than the inability to see a person as more". Multikultura have always worked with a great commitment to stay close to the people with disabilities to let them express their thoughts, feelings and their love. The more we listen to them, the more we understand them. They don't ask much from us. They only need our time and attention.

We thank The Day Care Center of Tetovo for the great cooperation and understanding they have shown during years. As long as Multikultura and The Day Care Center of Tetovo continue working together for the needs of people with disabilities, there is no doubt that there will be much more human smiles.

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Draft Strategic Plan of the Local Economic Social Council of Tetovo for the period 2021-2024

Annual Report 2019 - Association Multikultura

Annual Report 2018 - Association Multikultura

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