
“Entrepreneurship Platform for Economic and Social Inclusion from Minority Groups” (14.12.2015 – 14.08.2017), is the project implemented by Vocational and Educational

“The power of youth voice in the Polog region ”, (08.10.2018-08.05.2019), The main aim of this project is to contribute

“Vocational education leading to employment ”, (20.05.2018-20.03.2019), is a project that is expected to improve the capacities and oppurtunities of

“Urban, rural-gymnasium or professional high school” (01.02.2016 – 30.05.2016), within this project we have promoted the cooperation among youth of different

“Youth activism through strengthening of civil society organizations ”, (01.02.2018- 30.09.2018), is a project that aims to raise the engagement

“Youth Activism Leading towards Coexisting of Diversities in the Community” (14.12.2012 – 15.01.2014), was implemented by Multikultura and WCI Antiko and