
“Jobs instead of corruption” (01.01.2011-30.06.2011), was a successful implemented project for youth access to employment funded by NCBI. The objectives of

“Mentoring of Roma education” was a very successful project, which continued for three years in a row” (2009, 2010, and 2011),

The main goal of the project is to be analysed the normative acts of the Legislation as well as monitoring

“Equal chances for all” (01.02.2015 – 30.06.2015), was another successful project implemented by Multikultura in cooperation with the Sector of the

My Municipality – a friend of (the) youth! ”, (01.01.2019 – 30.10.2019), The overall goal of the project is to

“Urban, rural-gymnasium or professional high school” (01.02.2016 – 30.05.2016), within this project we have promoted the cooperation among youth of different
