
The overall aim of this project is to activate the civic organizations in the field of youth in order to

“Entrepreneurship Platform for Economic and Social Inclusion from Minority Groups” (14.12.2015 – 14.08.2017), is the project implemented by Vocational and Educational

“Free Legal Aid – Challenges and Solutions”, (01.06.2016 – 01.02.2017), supported by the European Policy Institute, Skopje and Network 23+,

“Jobs instead of corruption” (01.01.2011-30.06.2011), was a successful implemented project for youth access to employment funded by NCBI. The objectives of

“Youth interethnic initiatives in secondary education” (01.03.2014 – 30.07.2014), the main aim was to involve the students in the creation of

“The power of youth voice in the Polog region ”, (08.10.2018-08.05.2019), The main aim of this project is to contribute