
“Youth activism through strengthening of civil society organizations ”, (01.02.2018- 30.09.2018), is a project that aims to raise the engagement

The overall goal of the project is to contribute for youth employment by professionaldevelopment of youth and promotion of vocational

“Roma Children have rights – and fight for their rights” (01.02.2014-30.06.2014), was implemented by Multikultura in cooperation with NCBI Switzerland. The

“Diversity Week”, (01.05.2017-31.05.2017) is a project supported by the Ministry of Culture. The main aim of this project is to

“Disseminate your knowledge, increase youth participation at the community!” (01.01.2014 – 01.06.2014), was a follow up activity to the previous Trainings

“Institutional Grant” (01.04.2016 – 31.03.2018), which is supported by CIVICA Mobilitas Program through Macedonian Center for International Cooperation. The main aim