
For critical thinking youth

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the development of critical thinking in the Polog region through the education of youth for media literacy.

The project intends also strengthening the capacity of young people to identify media manipulation and hate speech, raising public awareness of professional standards and the ethics of journalism, improving cooperation with local media and secondary schools in the municipality of Tetovo and publishing a guide on media manipulation in which there are guidelines and methods on how to organize activities from youth for youth in relation to media manipulation.

The main activities of the project are:
– Workshops with young people from Polog region
– Online campaign for professional ethics standard journalism
– Production of short informative videos
– Preparation of a guide on media manipulation
– Closing event

The project “For critical thinking youth” is financially supported within the The Critical Thinking for Mediawise Citizens – CriThink project, financed by the European Union and implemented by Metamorphosis Foundation partnership win Eurothink-Centre for European Strategies.

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