
Wake UP! – Young Europeans becoming Change Makers for a better Europe”

Current developments across Europe show a striking increase in populism, nationalism and a growing fear of terrorism and crime fueling xenophobia and islamophobia, as well as racism and antisemitism. A negative attitude towards refugees, migration and integration is more and more becoming “normal”. Also, citizens’ growing alienation and disillusionment with mainstream politics is increasing, while a decreasing sense of empowerment is driving many people to lose faith in “the system” and towards extreme political choices. Euroscepticism is increasing, whereas trust in EU institutions has declined. These developments show the immediate need for a change: in order to cater to these needs, partner organizations from 8 European countries have created the consortium “Wake UP! -Young Europeans becoming Change Makers for a better Europe”.

The project consortium aims at equipping trainers, teachers, educators and youth workers/leaders/peer-educators with innovative approaches, methods and tools to respectively empower young people to become more active in society.

Thereby, the following outputs will be produced over the lifespan of the project:

– Pedagogical Guidelines: “WAKE UP“ for a train-the-trainer training and a peer education training and implementation guideline
– Curriculum and training concept: “Active Citizenship: awareness raising and activation of young people
– Curriculum and training concept: “Democratic Citizenship”: value mediation for young people
– Training and curriculum concept: “European Citizenship: establishing European values and committed EU citizenship among young people
– Training and curriculum: “Informed Citizenship” – How to foster critical thinking, responsible handling of personal data and ability to find reliable information in the context of internet and social media

EU-Program: Erasmus+, KA205 – Strategic Partnerships for youth
Coordination: Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e.V. (Germany)
Duration: February 2019 – July 2021

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