
Current developments across Europe show a striking increase in populism, nationalism and a growing fear of terrorism and crime fueling

“Roma Children have rights – and fight for their rights” (01.02.2014-30.06.2014), was implemented by Multikultura in cooperation with NCBI Switzerland. The

“Equal chances for all” (01.02.2015 – 30.06.2015), was another successful project implemented by Multikultura in cooperation with the Sector of the

“Diversity Week”, (01.05.2017-31.05.2017) is a project supported by the Ministry of Culture. The main aim of this project is to

The main objective of the project is to support the accession processes of the Republic Northern Macedonia in the European

 Multikultura and NCBI started by selecting 30 interns who attended a workshop in order to be informed about the work