
“Diversity Week”, (01.05.2017-31.05.2017) is a project supported by the Ministry of Culture. The main aim of this project is to

“Disseminate your knowledge, increase youth participation at the community!” (01.01.2014 – 01.06.2014), was a follow up activity to the previous Trainings

“Institutional Grant” (01.04.2016 – 31.03.2018), which is supported by CIVICA Mobilitas Program through Macedonian Center for International Cooperation. The main aim

 Multikultura and NCBI started by selecting 30 interns who attended a workshop in order to be informed about the work

The main aim of this project is to inform the youth about the process of Macedonia’s integration in NATO and

“Promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities” (01.09.2015 – 30.05.2016), with the main goal to increase the awareness of PWDs and