
“Jobs instead of corruption” (01.01.2011-30.06.2011), was a successful implemented project for youth access to employment funded by NCBI. The objectives of

“Free Legal Aid – Challenges and Solutions”, (01.06.2016 – 01.02.2017), supported by the European Policy Institute, Skopje and Network 23+,

“Inclusion of young Roma”, (01.02.2018 – 31.08.2018), is a project supported by Roma Resource Center and KMOP Macedonia. The main

“Youth activism through strengthening of civil society organizations ”, (01.02.2018- 30.09.2018), is a project that aims to raise the engagement

“Institutional Grant” (01.04.2016 – 31.03.2018), which is supported by CIVICA Mobilitas Program through Macedonian Center for International Cooperation. The main aim

The main objective of the project is to support the accession processes of the Republic Northern Macedonia in the European