Roma minorities in our community
Roma minorities in our community. The objectives of the project were: raising awareness of the Roma community on the importance
Read MoreAs we reflect on our achievments, we are grateful and excited to continue our work towards our mission and vision
“Disseminate your knowledge, increase youth participation at the community!” (01.01.2014 – 01.06.2014), was a follow up activity to the previous Trainings
“Entrepreneurship Platform for Economic and Social Inclusion from Minority Groups” (14.12.2015 – 14.08.2017), is the project implemented by Vocational and Educational
“Confection and design – a challenge for the young generation” (01.01.2015 – 30.06.2015), the aim of the project was through an
My Municipality – a friend of (the) youth! ”, (01.01.2019 – 30.10.2019), The overall goal of the project is to
“Roma Children have rights – and fight for their rights” (01.02.2014-30.06.2014), was implemented by Multikultura in cooperation with NCBI Switzerland. The
The overall goal of the project is to contribute for youth employment by professionaldevelopment of youth and promotion of vocational
Roma minorities in our community. The objectives of the project were: raising awareness of the Roma community on the importance
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