
The main goal of the project is to be analysed the normative acts of the Legislation as well as monitoring

“Disseminate your knowledge, increase youth participation at the community!” (01.01.2014 – 01.06.2014), was a follow up activity to the previous Trainings

“Promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities” (01.09.2015 – 30.05.2016), with the main goal to increase the awareness of PWDs and

“Youth activism through strengthening of civil society organizations ”, (01.02.2018- 30.09.2018), is a project that aims to raise the engagement

“Confection and design – a challenge for the young generation” (01.01.2015 – 30.06.2015), the aim of the project was through an

The overall aim of this project is to activate the civic organizations in the field of youth in order to