
“Youth Activism Leading towards Coexisting of Diversities in the Community” (14.12.2012 – 15.01.2014), was implemented by Multikultura and WCI Antiko and

“Youth activism through strengthening of civil society organizations ”, (01.02.2018- 30.09.2018), is a project that aims to raise the engagement

The overall goal of the project is to contribute for youth employment by professionaldevelopment of youth and promotion of vocational

“Vocational education leading to employment ”, (20.05.2018-20.03.2019), is a project that is expected to improve the capacities and oppurtunities of

The aim of the project is to help students from professional high schools find a vocational training institution (private company)

 Multikultura and NCBI started by selecting 30 interns who attended a workshop in order to be informed about the work