
“The power of youth voice in the Polog region ”, (08.10.2018-08.05.2019), The main aim of this project is to contribute

“Equal chances for all” (01.02.2015 – 30.06.2015), was another successful project implemented by Multikultura in cooperation with the Sector of the

The main aim of this project is to train young people in leadership skills and empower them to take actions

“Jobs instead of corruption” (01.01.2011-30.06.2011), was a successful implemented project for youth access to employment funded by NCBI. The objectives of

The aim of the project is to help students from professional high schools find a vocational training institution (private company)

“Mentoring of Roma education” was a very successful project, which continued for three years in a row” (2009, 2010, and 2011),