
Roma minorities in our community. The objectives of the project were: raising awareness of the Roma community on the importance

“Equal chances for all” (01.02.2015 – 30.06.2015), was another successful project implemented by Multikultura in cooperation with the Sector of the

The overall objective of the project is nurturing and empowering youth to be advocates of peace and social life for

“The voice of youth” (01.01.2015 – 30.09.2015), elaborated several topics, such as youth empowerment and public information regarding current youth issues.

My Municipality – a friend of (the) youth! ”, (01.01.2019 – 30.10.2019), The overall goal of the project is to

“Free Legal Aid – Challenges and Solutions”, (01.06.2016 – 01.02.2017), supported by the European Policy Institute, Skopje and Network 23+,