“Jobs instead of corruption”
“Jobs instead of corruption” (01.01.2011-30.06.2011), was a successful implemented project for youth access to employment funded by NCBI. The objectives of
Read MoreAs we reflect on our achievments, we are grateful and excited to continue our work towards our mission and vision
“Institutional Grant” (01.04.2016 – 31.03.2018), which is supported by CIVICA Mobilitas Program through Macedonian Center for International Cooperation. The main aim
The overall objective of the project is nurturing and empowering youth to be advocates of peace and social life for
The overall goal of the project is to contribute for youth employment by professionaldevelopment of youth and promotion of vocational
“Promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities” (01.09.2015 – 30.05.2016), with the main goal to increase the awareness of PWDs and
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the development of critical thinking in the Polog region through
The main aim of this project is to inform the youth about the process of Macedonia’s integration in NATO and
“Jobs instead of corruption” (01.01.2011-30.06.2011), was a successful implemented project for youth access to employment funded by NCBI. The objectives of
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