Студија За Јавни Набавки


Multikultura Analysis, ALB

Multikultura Analysis, MK

The Annual Report, Multikultura 2017


Published: 2022-02-15

Within the USAID’s Civic Engagement Project, starting from today, 15 February 15 2022, a new measurement of the openness of the local self-government units in the Republic of North Macedonia begins.

The Metamorphosis Foundation, in partnership with Quantum Prima - Kavadarci, Center for Intercultural Dialogue - Kumanovo, Association Multikultura - Tetovo, Foundation for Local Community Development - Stip, Center for Social Innovation Blink 42-21 - Skopje, Local Development Agency - Struga, AGTIS Prilep and Sky Plus Strumica will conduct monitoring of all municipalities in our country.

The measurement of the municipalities will be conducted according to the Openness Index which is a composite indicator that determines the degree of openness of institutions to citizens and society and is created to define the extent to which citizens receive appropriate and understandable information from institutions.

In order to measure the degree of institutional openness, following the legal regulations, international standards, recommendations, as well as good practices, the Openness Index monitors the units of local self-government in the Republic of North Macedonia according to special quantitative and qualitative indicators, which refer to the access to information on the official websites, published data on the operation of the institution, public procurement, information on spending public money, etc.

After the measurement of the openness of the municipalities, and based on the analyzed data, the Metamorphosis Foundation will prepare a public policy document, and will organize an advocacy campaign in order to help the municipalities in promoting their openness to the citizens.


Binthebutt in Tetovo

Published: 2022-02-08

It is estimated that only one-third of cigarette butts out of the 18 billion cigarettes smoked worldwide end up in the trash every day.

Based on this low awareness of the citizens, on 31st of January 2022, Multikulturaorganized the ecological action #BintheButt in Tetovo to place cigarette butts in the ballot boxes.

These ballot boxes are located in more parts of the city in order to solve the problem of cigarette butts thrown everywhere, and at the same time this action will also contribute to the selection of waste.

Smokers can vote by placing their cigarette butts in front of their preferred answer to these questions:

- Who is the best player in the world?

- What is the best team in the world?

- What is the best brand of cigarettes?

- Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

This activity was realized within the project "Positive changes for the management of municipal waste in the Municipality of Tetovo", supported by the Foundation Open Society Macedonia.


Online meeting with partners of the "Suitcase of my life" project!

Published: 2022-02-08

Last week, we had an online meeting with the project partners in order to discuss and coordinate the following duties and activities within the project.

We are excited about the upcoming activities and motivated to share the wonderful suitcases that are being created by seniors and youngsters.


Clean Market in Tetovo and without waste

Published: 2022-02-07

Clean roads and sidewalks, rotten fruits and vegetables piled up in plastic bags. This was today's photo of the streets and sidewalks at the Women's Market, where trade usually takes place on Thursdays in Tetovo.

To understand where this reckless behavior of sellers comes from, today the activists of our Association together with the mayor of Tetovo, Bilall Kasami, the deputy director of NPK Tetovo, the head of the sector for urbanism, municipal activities and living environment, visited the sellers in the Women's Market.

Garbage bags with ecological messages were distributed to the sellers in order to raise awareness for market maintenance and facilitate the work for the employees of NPK Tetovo, and also placed a large improvised container in which sellers can` threw these bags away at the end of the day.

At the same time, citizens had the opportunity to give their message for a well-maintained market and a clean and waste-free environment.

The action is part of the project "Positive changes for municipal waste management in the Municipality of Tetovo", implemented by the Multikultura and financially supported by the Foundation Open Society Macedonia.


New ecological mural in Tetovo: Preserving green spaces

Published: 2021-12-22

On 21st December 2021, a large mural is added to the city of Tetovo, which, beyond beautiful, also comes with a message for the preservation of the living environment. The mural is part of the project "Positive changes for municipal waste management in the Municipality of Tetovo" and highlights the need for collective awareness in the recovery of urban land for green space.

The purpose of this mural is to convey the message of preserving the green spaces in the city and mitigating the effect of pollution. The key element in this mural is the bee, which plays a role in every aspect of the ecosystem. Bees support the growth of trees, flowers and other plants, which serve as food and shelter for large and small creatures. In addition, the bees in this mural preserve the young seedlings from the cut trees.

The mural was painted on the facade of the primary school "Liria" - Tetovo, by the artist SemirAlimi. Also, the talented students of the city, joined our cause, becoming part of the workshop to learn the techniques of creative art, and at the same time conveyed ecological messages to their peers.

This project was implemented with the support of the Foundation Open Society - Macedonia.

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Draft Strategic Plan of the Local Economic Social Council of Tetovo for the period 2021-2024

Annual Report 2019 - Association Multikultura

Annual Report 2018 - Association Multikultura

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