Студија За Јавни Набавки


Multikultura Analysis, ALB

Multikultura Analysis, MK

The Annual Report, Multikultura 2017


Memorandum of cooperation with Business and Innovation Center!

Published: 2021-12-15

Association Multikultura and Business & Innovation Center signed a memorandum of cooperation which aims to secure mutual cooperation for the activities within the frames of the Community Investment Platform.

We hope that this cooperation of ours is just the beginning of the joint action and initiatives for community investments.


Round table with CSOs, private and public sector

Published: 2021-12-14

"Community Investment Platform" project once more brought together relevant actors from Tetovo to discuss common cooperation and community investments.

Beside this, it was so inspiring to listen to the story of M House, Hotel SCARDUS and Business Development Center - SEEU and their experience and commitment as social responsibility companies. During the round table were also presented the indicators for community investment, strategy development, and budget allocation by companies to support initiatives for the good of society.

This activity was realized within the Community Investment Platform project, which is implemented by Albiz Foundation, Association Multikultura, Association Centre for Sustainable Development CSCD and Association Centre for Research and Analysis Novus.

This project is financially supported by the European Union.


Published: 2021-12-13

Today, on December 13, 2021, in the premises of the South East European University, a debate on social dialogue was organized in order to invest every effort in the development and further advancement of social dialogue in society.

The discussion focused on social dialogue, at local and national level, as a key role in shaping economic, labor and social policies that promote the increasing convergence of living and working conditions.

Also, today, the Handbook for workers 'rights in the Republic of Northern Macedonia was promoted, which presents a detailed summary of the positive labor legislation on workers' rights, prepared by Doc.Dr.Arta Selmani-Bakiu.

This activity was organized within the project "Promotion and strengthening of social dialogue", funded by the Olof Palme International Center and supported by the Swedish Government.


Online "Eco exhibition"

Published: 2021-12-06

Last week, we organized the "Eco exhibition" where young artists through their art expressed their wish for a clean and green city.

In case you missed it, you have the chance to see it now through the online exhibition.

Check out the first picture and stay tuned for the upcoming ones!


Ecological exhibition - Young people for a clean Tetovo

Published: 2021-12-01

Municipal waste is a problem for every citizen, including young artists, who proposed solutions to this problem through their art.

"Eco exhibition" realized by the Association Multikultura in collaboration with young artists aims to raise awareness among citizens for a clean and well managed environment.

Young photographers have identified the most polluted parts of the city through photographs, while artists through their art in 9 realized paintings have expressed how they would like these parts of the city to look like; clean and well managed.

This activity was realized within the project "Positive changes for the management of municipal waste in the Municipality of Tetova", implemented by the Multicultural Association and financially supported by the Foundation Open Society Macedonia.

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Draft Strategic Plan of the Local Economic Social Council of Tetovo for the period 2021-2024

Annual Report 2019 - Association Multikultura

Annual Report 2018 - Association Multikultura

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