Студија За Јавни Набавки


Multikultura Analysis, ALB

Multikultura Analysis, MK

The Annual Report, Multikultura 2017


Debates on social dialogue!

Published: 2021-11-30

Today we started with the first debate on social dialogue where it was discussed about labor rights and how to improve the situation on this topic.

In the debate, it was emphasized the role of social dialogue as a key instrument for promoting and ensuring decent working conditions and respect for labor rights.

In total, four debates on social dialogue will be organized in the following period.

This activity is organized within the project "Promoting and reinforcing the social dialogue", financially supported by Olof Palme International Center.


Cross - sectoral meeting within the Community Investment Platform

Published: 2021-11-19

Exchange of good practices and cooperation among different actors for community investment, was the main discussion at today's meeting of civil society, business and the public sector from Tetovo.

They agree that there should be more cross-sectorial cooperation in order to contribute for socio-economic development in the community.

Also, in today's meeting were presented the findings from the research "Perceptions of civil society and business sector for community investment".

This activity was realized within the Community Investment Platform project, which is implemented by Albiz Foundation, Association Multikultura , Association Centre for Sustainable Development CSCD and Association Centre for Research and Analysis Novus.

This project is financially supported by the European Union.


Published: 2021-11-02

The Association Multikultura in cooperation with the Legal Clinic "Pro Bono" organized a debate on "Free legal aid - challenges and solutions".

Participants had the opportunity to learn more about their right to free legal aid as well as the conditions for its approval.

This activity is organized within the project "Free legal and psychological assistance to minimize the consequences of Covid-19 on citizens of the Polog region" funded by the Government of RNM.


Debate "Worker's right and trade unions"

Published: 2021-10-29

In cooperation with Local Economic and Social Council of the Municipality of Tetovo, Multikultura today organized the next public debate "Worker's right and trade unions".

The participants had the chance to discuss and learn more about worker's right and the role of trade unions in protection of worker's right.

This activity was organized within the project "Enhancing social dialogue in the community" implemented by MKC Bitola and Association Multikultura, financed by Olof Palme International Center and supported by Swedish Government.


Published: 2021-10-26

Read about our Wake Up project which in the past three years contributed a lot for active youth in eight different countries!

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Draft Strategic Plan of the Local Economic Social Council of Tetovo for the period 2021-2024

Annual Report 2019 - Association Multikultura

Annual Report 2018 - Association Multikultura

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