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Multikultura Analysis, ALB

Multikultura Analysis, MK

The Annual Report, Multikultura 2017


Planning play for 1.1milion babies: Istanbul95

Published: 2021-02-08

Play in early childhood does not require expensive equipment to be installed in public spaces.

Having this in mind, Bernard Van Leer Foundation in 2017 launched the programme Istanbul95, with the ambition to increase public spending for the benefit of young children and their caregivers.

Read the full article "Planning play for 1.1milion babies: Istanbul95" and learn how play opportunities could be created in public playgrounds for each skill that children develop during the first five years of their lives.

Link to AL: here

Link to MK: here


Returning the city to children

Published: 2021-02-06

Link to full AL article: here
Link to full MK article: here

When elected Mayor of Tirana in 2015, Erion Veliaj found a city unfit for children. A city full of cars, disordered traffic, pollution, illegally occupied public amenities and, above all, no play space for children.

Check out the article “Returning the city to children” to learn more about the inspiring story of Tirana who underwent child – friendly revolution.


Cooperation with ISSA and Bernard van Lee Foundation

Published: 2021-02-05

We are happy to announce our cooperation with ISSA and Bernard van Lee Foundation to disseminate articles of the Early Childhood Matters publication in 2020.

The purpose of our cooperation is to disseminate in North Macedonia the following articles:

- Planning play for 1.1 million babies: Istanbul95

- Returning the city to children

Еаrly Childhood Matters is a compilation of the projects, programs and policies on how to address several of todays’ challenges impacting babies, toddlers and their caregivers especially due to COVID-19. This edition brings together 33 articles.


Study on Public Procurements

Published: 2021-01-29

Тhe study on public procurements in the primary schools of the Municipality of Tetovo is out!

Check the link and stay tuned for the infographics to get informed how the money of public procurements in 12 primary schools in Tetovo is spent.

The publication of this study is financially supported by Foundation Open Society Macedonia.


How I've Remained Fulfilled at Multikultura for 10 Years

Published: 2021-01-22

“The satisfaction of staying interested and at the same time challenged for ten years in the same work place enters into some key points which encourage long term growth and successful relationships between company and staff.”

Arlinda’s story is a superb example of how hard work and a proactive attitude can contribute in achieving your career goals- in a single organization!

After she finished her studies at South East European University as a Bachelor of Communication Sciences and Technologies, with hard work and huge support, immediately she started to work as a program officer at the Association Multikultura. It has been ten years now and she is still engaged in the same work place.

People often view someone wanting to move forward in the career ladder as a positive attribute, and the aspiration to stay in the same company as a negative one, or something which stifles career development. For her, the benefits of staying boils down to a few key points which encourage long term growth and successful relationships between the company and staff.

“Fortunately, I have experienced a remarkable career growth and job satisfaction by choosing to embrace the opportunities that a single dynamic and progressive association can offer,” she says.

Staying challenged and interested after so long with one organization is not only possible, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. For me, the benefits of staying comes down to a few key points which encourage long term growth and successful relationships between company and staff.

“The reason I wish and work for success is because I think that being successful in my professional life allows me to feel more confident among other people, and at the same time, it lets me feel accomplished. Starting from an Administrative Officer, to a Program Director, and now to an Executive Director in a well-known Organization in the NGO sector, improved my life in almost all aspects.

The most effective way of advancing success is by following and using different strategies according to your needs. What I did at first was, I identified which were my inner desires and biggest rational wishes- as they have to match. Also, creating my professional resume was my next step. Opportunities are everywhere, and we should always be ready with a quality resume.

Being aware of my inner thoughts, strengths and weaknesses, is one of my working strategies that led me and gave me enough of a push to solidify my career during this time. I adapted my life to whatever conditions I was put through.

Building a strong career takes time, effort, and patience. If you're willing to sacrifice some free time and you're willing to get out of your comfort zone, you will succeed. It's not that hard, but it just takes time, courage and commitment to reach all of your targets.” were some of the many tips of growth that Arlinda shared with us.

She has been a great colleague, friend and co-worker to us. We at Multikultura, wish her many other years with us, working hard on her vision and also achieving our mutual mission as an organization.

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