Студија За Јавни Набавки


Multikultura Analysis, ALB

Multikultura Analysis, MK

The Annual Report, Multikultura 2017


Community Investment Platform

Published: 2021-03-18

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Albiz Foundation.

The main aim of this project is advancement of local CSOs' capacity for building cross-sector initiatives that aim at socio-economic development of communities in the country.

The aim of the platform is to create a society with a sustainable civil sector and socially responsible companies where CSOs and the business sector, through a relationship of trust and mutual cooperation and in an innovative way, bring about positive social changes in North Macedonia.

The action will address the basic drawback that limits the essential community development in the country - absence of trust among sectors and quality management. CSOs will be trained and networked, among each other, as well as with the business and public sector on how to develop, fund and implement community projects.

This week, the partners of the project had the inception meeting where it was discussed about the upcoming activities within the Community Investment Platform project.

This project is financed by the EU within the IPA Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2018-2019.


Published: 2021-03-17

For a healthy future, one must invest in a present with happy and healthy children, says Pranvera Kasami, founder of the Institute for Leadership and Public Policy.

Spring calls for us to jointly invest in initiatives for the healthy development of children.

This project is implemented in collaboration with ISSA - International Step by Step Association and Bernard van Leer Foundation.

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Returning the city to children

Published: 2021-03-16


Planning for 1.1 million babies - Istanbul 95

Published: 2021-03-16


Advocating for child friendly infrastructure II

Published: 2021-03-16

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Annual Report 2019 - Association Multikultura

Annual Report 2018 - Association Multikultura

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